
About Us

Nostalgia Colours – a contemporary house of Fine Art.

This is one of finest art promoting organisations. Nostalgia Colours displays, exhibits and stocks the finest collection of contemporary and traditional art, sourced from all over the country. Its fine collection is an ensemble of India’s most sought after artists, credited for their artistic, aesthetic and investment value. The range of art includes serious collector’s items as well as genuinely astounding works of budding artists waiting to be discovered.

It is almost poetic coincidence that Nostalgia Colours is located in the city wherein art and culture reside in abundance. Here in the City Of Joy, artistic acumen among people is so high that the whole world is watching Kolkata. Being a part of such a city and being in love of its unique artistic vibrations, we are simply putting in our humble efforts to bring in more attention from the all over the world towards Indian art and culture.

A dynamic duo of two young entrepreneurs as well as art connoisseurs  stand behind Nostalgia Colours as a back bone to bring in revolutionary exhibits from eminent as well as upcoming artists from all over India. This is just the first stroke on the canvas that we  hope will one day become a masterpiece!

Nostalgia Colours is promoted by Mrs. Swati Roy and Mr. Kumar Satyapriya.  Mrs. Swati Roy, an Art connoisseur and Art Collector herself, comes from a family where paint brush and canvas are topics of daily discussion. She is the Daughter-in- Law of legendary painter Mr. Suhas Roy and wife of renowned painter Late Suman Roy. Starting with Painting and Collage while still in school, she grew up to be an art collector. Mr Kumar Satyapriya, is an MBA by qualification and avid art lover, who left his illustrious career of a banker to pursue his dream in the field of art and culture. His passion for the field coupled with his entrepreneurial instincts draw him to Nostalgia Colours.